Counseling Q&A's

Below are some frequently asked questions of the guidance counselors:

Q: How and when can I make an appointment to see a school counselor?
A: You may make an apointment with a counselor or the SCO secretary before or after school, during Homeroom period, or at other times with teacher permission.  Although your grade level is assigned a conselor, you are free to talk to the counselor of your choice.

Q: From whom can I get my work if I am absent from school for two or more days?
A: BAMS staff members try hard to provide homework for students who will be absent for two or more days. Sometimes this service must be suspended due to limited staffing during flu outbreaks when absenteeism soars.  However, most days this service is offered:
  • If you are absent for one day, you can make up the missed work upon your return.  
  • Your parents should call the school BEFORE 8:35 a.m. on the second day of your absence. 
  • YOur requested work must be picked up from 3:00-3:50 p.m. in the SCO, 3:30-3:45 p.m. in the Main Office.
  • If your parent calls to request your homework, work will be available 24 hours after the call is received by the Guidance Office.
  • Coats, P.E. uniforms, art projects, etc. cannot be sent home.
  • If a homework request has been fulfilled, you must pick it up on time, complete all the work, and turn it in to your teachers upon your return to school or it is subject to the teacher's late policy. 
  • If you wish to place a second homework request, all the completed work from the first request must be reutnred to your teachers. 

Q: What is the criteria to earn Honor Roll or Distringuished Honors?
A: Honor Roll includes those students who earn an overall GPA between a 3.0 and a 3.9 for a given quarter (with no D's for the quarter). Honor Roll students receivea certificate in honor of their recognition. Distinguished Honors include any student who earns an overall GPA of a 4.0 for a given quarter. Distinguished Honors students receive a certificate and are invited to a Distinguished Hnoros breakfast quarterly. Both Honor Roll students and Distinguished Honors students are recognized in the local newspaper.